We build cutting edge, next-generation software

From global B2B and B2C rewards platforms to next-wave fintech software
we'll build it for you.

Our Areas of Expertise

Loyalty and Rewards

Encourage positive purchasing behavior and retain long-term customer relationships by rewarding your best customers. Activate a truly effective So-Lo-Mo (social, local, mobile) rewards program and increase your bottom line while making your customers ecstatic about your product or service.

B2B and B2C Platforms

Our battle-tested experience in high-availability, secure shop systems and B2B logistics platforms can streamline your e-Commerce operations. Enjoy high conversion rates and maximum efficiency as we orchestrate synergy in your online sales and logistics processes.

Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies

A new era in computing has began with the invention of the Blockchain and the cryptocurrencies that enable it. Work with us in challenging entrenched legacy industries by building revolutionary fintech, e-Government and consensus-activated platforms.

Enterprise Integration

Save time and money by avoiding money sinks posing as holy grails of enterprise service integration and taking advantage of open source software in integrating your enterprise applications and data. Build your enterprise's scalable integration architecture with us and see how it pays for itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are your clients?

We serve mostly clients in Western Europe and in the US. Our partners in Germany enable us to deliver stable and performant platforms for users in at least 60 countries worldwide.

What tools are in your warchest?

We try to use bleeding edge commercial and open source technologies as much as possible. Our software architects and engineers are well experienced in both legacy and upcoming enterprise software stacks be it LAMP, MEAN or WISA.

How do you run software projects?

We have taken lean production principles that enables us to be agile and productive while minimizing risks and costs. Our proven iterative software development method ensures that we always ship highly valuable software on-time.

Where are you located?

Our corporate headquarters is strategically situated at the country's premiere business district of Makati, a progressive city within the Metropolitan Manila area. This allows us to tap into Manila's elite software engineering talent.

We love to ship working, maintainable software as much as you do. Build your next-big-thing ideas with us and get ahead of your competition now!

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